Lazarus Wengert

1/10 or 24/1715
Guggisberg, Bern, Switzerland 

near Robesonia, PA

Anna Catharina Lauck

11/10/1738 by Rev. Stoever


Catherine Anna

Lazarus, Jr.
(Listed as Zacharias in will)
Maria Elisabeth
Maria Sibila



"Heidelberg, in Berks County, the 12 of December 1791.

This is my Last Intention, WiII and Testament, as foIIows and as is to be done after my decease.

“First, aII my debts shaII be duly paid and collected, the other article is thus, my wife Catharine Wenger as long as she Iives, she shaII have a right and justice to keep aII what I may Ieave, as Iong as she shaII Iive, be it caIIed as it may, she shaII have the right to keep every thing she now has in her possession, for she shalI have every thing, just as we had it during my Life, this is my WiII and Testament, that it shaII thus be kept as I have ordered it. And if any of the heirs will not be satisfied with what I have ordered, then shall such heir have one English ShiIIing, and nothing more.   And if any of our children should behave in an enemy like manner, and not like a child, such a one shaII have an EngIish shiIIing and nothing more. I hereby empower my wife Catharine Wenger to make a WiII or Testament, to such one, as may wait on her properly tiII her end. And after her decease everything which she may Ieave shaII be soId and divided among my heirs, but with this provision, have I done the same, that in case my daughter, Susannah Albert, or her heirs wait properly on my wife till her decease, she shall then inherit together with the other heirs, but if not, if she continues to remain so obstinate towards her mother, as they have been for some time against us, then shaII Susannah and her 'heirs have only five ShiIIings, and nothing more, for they are hard against us.  If they continue so, I empower my wife to make a Testament or Will to whom she pleases. This is my last Intention, and Will, this Article is thus, that my constituted Executors and Administrators shall take good care, that my wife Catharine Wenger shall annually get her portion as is mentioned in our Agreement, and when my debts and expenses are duly paid, then shall the Executors or Guardians, put the remainder on Interest and pay unto my wife Catharine Wenger yearly the Interest, for she will not spend it unless she wants it in her house keeping.

The persons whom I have chosen and elected for my Executors and Guardians are, to wit: Adam Kalbach & Jacob Wenger.                  This is my Last Intention and Will and Testament. The Witnesses I have ordered to be the men, that may appraise my personal goods, but nothing shall be sold during the lifetime of my wife, but after her decease, everything shall be sold.

"Sealed and signed by Witnesses."

Peter Scharny                                    Zacharius Wenger (Seal) Christian Fisher                                 (Translator confused his

Name = should be LAZARUS).

(On the Original there is endorsed)

"These are my children: George Wenger, my eldest son is dead, without a Testament, and his eldest son: George Wenger, shall have five shillings for his birthright.

"John Wenger, is dead, and has left heirs.

"Zacharias (should be Lazarus, Jr.) Wenger is at this time alive.

"Catharine, is dead and has left heirs.


"Abraham Wenger, is dead without heirs.

"Jacob Wenger



"Maria Elisabeth

"Nicolaus Wenger, is dead without heirs.


"Valentine Wenger


"Henry Wenger

"Maria Sibila

"Joseph Wenger, the youngest."

"A true Translation from the original German, by Frederick Smith, Jr.”

NOTE: The above seems a bit odd in format and most unusual from early wills. It should be checked against the Original German Text.

SOURCE: Berks Co. Courthouse, Reading, Pa.

Copied by - Clarence R. Shirey



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