Malinda R. Eavey
Also spelled as Avey

Born: 4/4/1846
Leaf River, Illinois

Died: 10/01/1919, Pine City, MN
: Clarinda, IA

Married: Watson E. Webster

Father: Isaac D. Eavey
Mother: Caroline T. Hammond

Mertie (D. 1885)
Carrie E. (Hodge)


(handwritten 1919)
[Sister to Margaret Ellen]    

Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 1st at 3:30 occurred the death of Mrs. M. R. Webster for the past thirty-four years a resident of Pine City. Death came after an illness of about a year and was caused by a complication of diseases. Her daughter and family were with her when she passed away.

Services will be held at the Hodge home this afternoon and the remains taken to Clarinda, Ia., on the afternoon train for burial tomorrow (Saturday) Rev. Young will have charge of the services here.

Malinda R. Eavey was born April 4th 1846 at Leaf River, Illinois, the daughter of Isaac and Caroline Eavey. She was married March 3rd 1864 to Watson E. Webster, then a member of the Illinois Infantry in the War of the Rebellion. Of the union, two children were born, Mertie who died in 1885 at Clarinda IA., and Carrie E. who became Mrs. Fred A. Hodge at her marriage. The family moved to Iowa and located at Clarinda, where Mr. Webster died in 1882. At the time of his death he was a member of the Iowa Legislature and president of the Page County Bank at Clarinda. Mrs. Webster came to Pine City in >85, following the death of her daughter Mertie and has made her home since that time with her daughter, Mrs. Fred A. Hodge. [offered by Thelma Thomas Livingston/Carole Ann Heller]

Marriage license
(Click on thumbnail)



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